Prove Me Wrong: Why Fantasy Wrestling is the Ultimate League

a blog by Rick Lavoie

As someone who has played Fantasy Football for years, I can attest to the thrill of competing against friends, family, and coworkers. However, there’s a new league in town that I believe can offer an even more exciting experience: fantasy wrestling.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “But wrestling isn’t real!” And while it’s true that the outcomes of matches are predetermined, that doesn’t mean it’s any less entertaining. In fact, the world of professional wrestling is full of over-the-top characters, dramatic storylines, and unexpected twists and turns – all of which make for an incredible fantasy league.

So why should everyone in the MIPPA Fantasy Football league switch to fantasy wrestling? Here are just a few reasons:

  1. The 1980s wrestling era was legendary.

There’s no denying that the 1980s was a golden age of professional wrestling. This was the era of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Macho Man Randy Savage, and countless other iconic wrestlers. By creating a fantasy league that only includes characters from this era, you can tap into the nostalgia of your youth and relive some of the most memorable moments in wrestling history.

  1. The characters are larger than life.

One of the things that makes wrestling so captivating is the characters themselves. From the heroic underdogs to the villainous heels, each wrestler has their own unique personality, backstory, and motivations. By drafting these characters onto your fantasy team, you’re not just picking players – you’re building a roster of larger-than-life personalities that are sure to make for some epic matchups.

  1. The drama is unbeatable.

Sure, there’s plenty of drama in football – but it pales in comparison to the soap opera-esque storylines of wrestling. From feuds that last for months to sudden betrayals and surprise returns, the world of professional wrestling is always full of unexpected twists and turns. By creating a fantasy league that follows these storylines, you’re not just watching matches – you’re fully immersed in the drama and intrigue of the wrestling world.

  1. The possibilities are endless.

Unlike football, where the rules are pretty straightforward, wrestling is a world where anything can happen. You could have a match that involves wrestlers fighting in a steel cage, or one that takes place in a graveyard. You could have a tag team match where the partners are chosen at random, or a match where the loser has to leave the wrestling world forever. By creating a fantasy wrestling league, you have the freedom to come up with your own unique match types and stipulations, which can make for some truly unforgettable moments.

Now, I know that some of you might still be skeptical. After all, wrestling isn’t for everyone, and it’s not exactly a “serious” sport. But that’s precisely why it’s so much fun. By embracing the over-the-top, often ridiculous world of wrestling, you’re giving yourself permission to let loose and enjoy the ride. And isn’t that what fantasy leagues are all about?

So, to everyone in the MIPPA Fantasy Football league – I challenge you to prove me wrong. Try out a fantasy wrestling league using characters from the 1980s, and see if it doesn’t become your new favorite pastime. Who knows? You might just find that you enjoy it even more than football.

Challenge: Create a Fantasy Wrestling Roster and Stage a Mock PPV

To start, each member should create their own fantasy wrestling roster made up of characters from the 1980s wrestling era. They can do this using any method they choose – whether it’s a draft or simply selecting their favorite wrestlers.

Once each member has their roster, they should use it to stage a mock pay-per-view event. This can be done in any way the members see fit – whether it’s through written stories, drawings, or even video reenactments.

During the event, each member should write a storyline that leads up to their main event matchup. The main event should be between two wrestlers from different rosters, and the winner should be determined by a vote from the rest of the league. Each member should present their storyline in a way that’s engaging and exciting, using their own creativity to make their characters come to life.

To make things more interesting, there should be a punishment for the member who receives the least votes for their main event matchup. The punishment? They must film themselves performing a wrestling entrance – complete with music, costume, and over-the-top theatrics. This video should be shared with the rest of the league, and it should be good enough to make even the biggest wrestling fans laugh.

By participating in this challenge, the members of the MIPPA Fantasy Football league can experience the excitement and creativity that comes with fantasy wrestling. Who knows – they may just become lifelong fans of the sport!

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