Week 4 Power Rankings

Week 3 has come and gone, and the playoff picture is further solidifying…. the “Champ Champ” is apparently parting out his roster, while Tornado Rodgers and Merrymount Madmen have risen to the top of the table in their respective divisions at 3-0.

They happen to have the “Game of the Week” here in Week 4, as both first place squads face off. There are seven 2-1 squads behind them that will be in much better positions in their respective divisions if their rival falls this weekend.

This is the first week of the season with byes, so SF and NYJ players in your starting lineup? Get ’em out! Not playing this week.

Here are your Week 4 rest of season power rankings:

And finally, your current projected final regular season standings:

As the trade market heats up, it will be interesting to see how things shift in M.I.P.P.A. in 2019. Good luck, everybody.

Week 3: Power Rankings

With 5 squads sitting at 2-0, the early playoff picture is starting to take shape!

Week 2 was loaded with injuries across the NFL, and while we obviously hope those humans heal for the benefit of themselves and their families, our fantasy teams have been impacted greatly.

Drew Brees? Defending champ Justin suffered that blow. Big Ben? Al’s gonna need a new plan in 2019 for sure.

With upcoming matchups, Jon and Shawn have the biggest tilt in Week 3, as both 2-0 teams from the Sundowner division face off here. This sets up nicely for Sylvia to take control at 3-0 if he can defeat Fahey (although the projections are not in his favor).

For our 0-2 squads that are desperate for a win… good luck this week.

Here are your Week 3 Power Rankings!

Despite the 0-2 record, Fahey’s squad looks very strong on this week’s slate.

Rest of season outlook from today:

Worry not, fantasy friends. 11 regular season weeks remain for you to change your fate. That’s good news for those of you at the bottom of the current table – and bad news for those of us already looking to hold on.

Week 2: Power Rankings

Week 1 has come and gone! The shiny new players you drafted? For some of you, they paid off! For others, well… on to Week 2! It’s fair to say everyone is still in the race at this point.

Here are the Week 2 Power Rankings:

Well then! ML is feeling good right? Not so fast, lets look rest of season:

Yeah we stink, ML’s team is loaded.

Don’t blow it, dude.

Week 0 – Preseason Projections!

Yeah, I didn’t finish the fast food blog series, deal with it!

Fantasy baseball season started, my laptop crapped out, and I just didn’t care enough to finish it. I had Shake Shack winning it all, by the way.

Now what you’re really here for! The fine folks over at FantasyPros.com have a league analyzer, which projects the expected outcome for the season based on the draft.

Here’s where we stand, as of September 1st – Week 0:

A bounty of add/drops, trades, and of course – unfortunate injuries is bound to change this projected outcome obviously.

Welcome to the 2019 season! Adams – we’re coming for your throne.