109 Tweets: A M.I.P.P.A. Retrospective.

I got to thinking on the way into work this morning.

For many, September 11th is a day of silent reflection.  The attacks against our freedoms and our way of life live strong in our memories, but we’ve worked diligently to resume the type of life our founding fathers set out for us.

As somber as that day is for us, it is also signifies the start of something new…something quite extraordinary. It was September 11, 2014 when @MIPPA_Football first tweeted into the history books.

MIPPA_Football might just seem like a forgotten relic of a bye-gone day, but not for me. I am one of the lucky few who are both following, and followed by, this anonymous sage of the gridiron.

There are many who are reading this blog that are not part of the exclusivity of MIPPA football and the Twitter handle associated with our great league, but they are soon to be woke. The 2014 season started like most other Fantasy Football seasons, with the flip of a coin. It was a literal toss up to see who might be the victor. As such, expectations were high when all of a sudden a notification appeared on the horizon. The welcomed addition of a new follower on Twitter. Likewise, a request to follow the aforementioned MIPPA_Football was expeditiously sent. The first tweet was innocent enough:

The Gorham IR or Jail ( a name which still confuses me) was hoping to turn the ship against the Brahma Bulls. They did…winning 102-90. They went 4-9 that year and the Brahma Bulls soon went defunct. The tweet set off a firestorm of activity in all camps throughout the MIPPA league. Owners who had previously seemed uninterested or distracted found their curiosity piqued. Stalwarts reinvigorated their practice of relentless dedication to their craft. One owner, however, quickly emerged from the ranks to outscore them all…The Pissahs.

With an 11-2 record, the Pissahs were clear favorites that year. The MIPPA_Football twitter handle must have recognized the dominance early in the season. Here are some never before seen glimpses into the minds of geniuses.

And so it went, throughout the 2014 season. The inner workings of America’ favorite Fantasy Football league were examined by a curious eye. The DMs, the Tweets, the Hottest of Taeks, and the “likes” shared from prominent football experts and analysts…they all played into making that season one of the best in league history.

Then…it all stopped. December 4th. A day that will live in infamy. A tweet out to the Pissahs owner and JackWorldChamp. The sidebet heard round the world. $50 on whoever won the bye week. A conversation ensued…and then stopped. For years, the account laid silent…not a peep or a tweet.

The 2014 season closed with perennial regular season champion, Rick Lavoie, losing to Bryan Finley in the final game.

Conclusive evidence that winning Fantasy Football does in fact require Luck.

This past August, two tweets rang out…one with some Flair and another with the draft order. Picking last, with the 14th overall selection, would be the Pissahs. Finally winning the whole thing, MIPPA_Football must have felt obligated to surface. After having contributed to the 2014 greatness of the Pissahs, the twitter handle chose to come back.

109 tweets…a few replies…some media shared…but thousands of hearts touched. The mystery of the Tweets may never be solved. Some have speculated that a lost password caused the disappearance, but why on Dec. 4th. Some think that secret conversations continued behind the scenes between a few league owners. Others are convinced that the surreptitious tweeter was mugged on a trip to London. They sought out help from folks on Facebook only to erroneously be marked as a scam.

As the MIPPA brand begins to grow, our focus must be forward, but not at the expense of the past. Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” Our bloggers, our podcasters, and our Youtubers owe a debt of gratitude to their forebears. Thus, on all September 11ths to come, while solemnly remembering the tragedy of 2001, hold a special part of your heart for 2014…the day that 109 tweets saved our world.

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